The much higher price level reduced the quantity of real money supplied by considerably more than the lower real GNP decreased the demand for real money. 高水平物价带来的实际货币供给的下降幅度大大超过降低的GNP带来的实际货币需求下降。
Because real GNP fell only slightly in1974, the demand curve for real money shifted only slightly to the left. 由于实际GNP在1974年仅仅轻微下滑,实际货币需求曲线仅仅微小幅度左移。
The postwar Japanese economy provides the world's first example of an economy showing a sustained period of double-digit growth of real gross national product ( GNP). 日本的战后经济向世界展示了第一个国民生产总值以俩位数持续增长的范例。
The real, permanent solution is to quadruple the GNP and develop the economy. 翻两番、把经济搞上去才是真正治本的途径。
Estimates of the real rates of growth of GNP and population 国民生产总值和人口实际增长率的估计数